Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Par For the Course

Well, believe it or not there is just not anything exciting going on in this part of the world. That is actually a blatant lie, there is tons of exciting stuff going on in this part of the world, just not my particular sub-section of it. Last week was good, extremely average. Ate some good meals up in McLeod, finished a full room at the Special School (that was actually really exciting), and said goodbye to the first group of three-week volunteers which was very, very sad. Thursday night after everyone left the remaining four of us went to dinner in McLeod at a restaurant that's basically the epicenter of western travelers in the area and it was really fun. Nothing exciting, just a bunch of hippie-type folks sitting around on cushions drinking beer (tea if you're broke), playing scrabble, and talking about everyone's various travels. At one point someone even busted out an acoustic guitar. I talked to one woman who left home when she was 19 and traveled the world for 9 years and is now back at it with her husband. They've been in India for five months and soon they're going on the ultimate journey: Cairo to Cape Town. If I'd been bit by the travel bug before, it has officially taken up full time residence in my body.

Along with some other type of bug, apparently. Back to the hospital I went over the weekend, which is never fun but not earth shatteringly awful anymore either. Again, lots of fluids, antibiotics, and TV before I was discharged. Already feel tons better, just have to be tons more cautious about what I'm eating and how I'm treating my body.

The new group of volunteers came in Monday afternoon and its nice to have a house full of people again. No big plans yet for this weekend, but its only Tuesday. Shabash (that actually means "very good" in Hindi, and probably should not be used as my sign-off, but I like the way it sounds anyway)!


Unknown said...

Hey sis, your trip sounds exciting. I hope you stay healthy after round 2, you dont wanna be coming home to early. Keep enjoying yourself and keep writing!

Grandpa R. said...

Hi Rachael,
Who would have thought that on weekends, instead of Himalaya hiking, you would be lazing in hospital, imbibing (albeit IV) exotic combinations of liquids, slurping up water, and watching Tv (in Hindi? or Urdu?). Your 2nd trip to hospital is troubling, tho. Please take care of your self. I've sent this post 37 times but it never seems to go. Love you and miss you heaps.

Grandpa R. said...

Forgot to mention in my post that I got a kick out of the way you very adroitly and slickly slid into you long post the casual tidbit about your 2nd visit to hospital. Nicely done!

Unknown said...

Hi Rachael,
We are trying again. Something very funny about this posting business. Sometimes you are in and most of the time you are out. If this goes, it is to let you know how much we are enjoying your blogs. Great stories of wonderful adventures. But I clued in to the travel bug which has "taken up residence in your body." Let's get home safely, alive and well, and think a LOOOOOOONG time about the next adventure. Dad and I need to recover from this trip before we think about things like Cairo to Capetown or whatever!! Love you with all our hearts and souls,
Mom and Dad

AA said...

Dear Rachael,

Well, what do we have to say? You threw us another slider with the off hand remark about your second encounter with the Indian Medical Fraternity, do you think they just like you a lot and want to keep you around! Your Me Maw and I love you a bunch and we have confidence in your ability to take care of yourself and manage your affairs. Maybe you need some Texas BBQ and Beans to help you along. We keep you in our hearts and Prayers.
Lov'ya, MeMaw & PawPaw

Unknown said...

mama, you make me nervous. dehli belly at its best my friend...stay healthy, will ya? also, don't get any ideas from that traveling crazy lady you met. 9 years abroad, learning about the world is nice, but it not a lifestyle! i'm glad do hear you are enjoying your timeeeee! I MISS YOU!! love youuuuuuu


Ann Marie Frederick said...

Hi Rachel, my dad (uncle Jack) sent me your blog link. I think what you're doing is great! I would love to work with disabled kids outside our country. It looks like you are having a fabulous experience over in India. I enjoyed your blog and am happy that you are working with these young people who I know need help. I wonder how their special education system works compared to ours here? Any how, enjoy your travels and I hope to meet up with you some day soon!
Ann Marie