Friday, August 7, 2009

The Most Aggressive Decision I've Ever Made

For those of you who don't already know (if you fall in to this category, be glad you haven't had to hear about it for the past six months), I leave tomorrow for two semesters of back-to-back study abroad. I'll be in Madurai, India for the first semester (until December) and then I'll be in Kampala, Uganda from January - June. Like I said, a pretty aggressive decision.

But now, about the blog. I kept it last summer and didn't really like it for a handful of reasons. I don't really like blogs in general; there's something inherently pretentious about them. It's as if you're saying, "Hey, look how interesting my life is, you should read about it!" But here I am...blogging (at least I'm not tweeting). The only reason I have allowed myself to fall into the dark hole that is blogging, worse yet travel blogging, is because, in theory, I should have a pretty interesting year. No guarantees, but the potential is definitely there.

That being said, I'm going to try my best not to write anything that isn't interesting. Nobody wants to read about how long my train ride was or how bad my stomach hurts or what my host parents do for a living. If you would like to hear about those sorts of inane details, shoot me an e-mail ( and I'll try not to bore you too much. This blog will be for the stories. The really great, epic, remember that time when...kind of stories. Those might not come along very often. But when they do, I'll be sure to make them as public and sensational as any good blogger would.


Unknown said...

You have now been gone from home about 1 1/2 hours. Your plane has not left DFW and I already miss you. I'm just a Mom. Have a great semester in India. Be careful in all of your adventures. And know above all else, I Love You. Mom

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

glad you're going to keep a blog. Also, knowing you you'll have a "remember when" story before your flight even lands....just saying.

safe travels!

Unknown said...

rachael i am going too hook this up to my blackberry so i can have something else to occupy my time with. you better keep me posted. i'll be thinking of you, make sure you don't get swine flu. and if you do, don't come home.
